Ihr benötigt "World of Warcraft" mit der Erweiterung "Wrath of the Lich King" auf dem Patchstand 3.3.5(12340).
1. Ihr müst euch ein Account anlegen bevor Ihr bei uns spielen könnt. Um sich einen Account anzulegen klickt hier.
2. Dann die Realmlist in eurem World of Warcraft Verzeichnis ändern. Hierzu ändert ihr im WoW Verzeichnis ("../World of Warcraft/Data/deDE/realmlist.wtf") oder ("../World of Warcraft/Data/enUS/realmlist.wtf") die Realmlist in
"set realmlist realmlist.arthas-legion.de"
Nun könnt ihr eure WoW.exe starten und euch mit eurem Account einloggen.
1. First of all, you must create an account. The account is used to log into both the game and our website. Click here to open the registration page.
2. Install World of Warcraft. You can download it (legally) from here: Windows or Mac. Make sure to upgrade to our current supported patch, which is 3.3.5 (build 12340). Patch mirrors can be found here.
3. Open up the "World of Warcraft" directory. The default directory is "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft". When you've found it, open up the directory called "data", then go into the directory called either enUS or enGB, depending on your client language.
4. Open up the file called "realmlist.wtf" with a text editor such as Notepad. To do this, you must right click on the file and choose properties, then select notepad as the default software for files with the ".wtf" ending. You may also just start the text editor and drag the file into the edit window.
5. Erase all text and change it to:
set realmlist realmlist.arthas-legion.de
You may now start playing! If you need any help, do not hesitate to create a support ticket.